Friday, May 04, 2007

69 Pages of Our New Book/Course "Accept Abundance"

Dear Family, Friends and Associates,

Thanks for your continued input and support on our new Book/Course “Accept Abundance“. It’s been hard to focus on anything else, until this piece was completed to our satisfaction.

We have just posted 69 pages of the latest edition for you to review or download for free at:

Along with your input, we are now looking for those interested in sharing this information with the sales and networking world. The first place to start is learning and applying the technique to your life, your family, your business and your teams.

We are open to discussing ideas on how to partner together and have you participate in the profits from the sale of the course, the tele-workshops, live workshops and any other possibilities you may suggest.

If this interest you, join us on our conference bridge this Saturday morning May 5th at 9am MT (11am ET - 10am CT - 8am PT) at: 712-432-3000 pin 466881


Linda & Steve Stay

P.S. This last year has been absolutely amazing as we have applied this technique in every area of our lives and clinically with astounding results.

Imagine discovering a 15 year old healing technique that has already been embraced by ten’s of thousands of medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologist, nurses, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and other healing professionals all around the world. A technique that doesn’t involve surgery, drugs or any special equipment. A universal healing modality that is easy enough for an 8 year old to learn on his own but is powerful enough that people with everything from debilitating fears and stress to serious health conditions, experience profound results in minutes.

Imagine how learning and sharing such a technique, which eliminates toxic emotional STRESS and FEARS, could impact your life and those around you.

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